Ruach Music


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Ruach Breathe

Together, lets make earth cooler!


What is Ruach Breathe?

Environmental awareness is at the heart of the Ruach brand. To minimise the companies carbon footprint, hard wax oil is used to finish the instruments, the workshop is powered by solar energy and for every instrument sold, a tree is planted.

Ruach have partnered with WeForst to help make a difference, and make the earth cooler. OZG (WeForests planting partner) operates in an area that is part of the international GREAT GREEN WALL aiming at planting a contiguous “wall of trees” stretching 4,300 miles long and 9 miles wide, across the entire width of the African continent, involving 9 African nations.

Yes, maybe you should read that last sentence again! Now, every time someone purchases a Ruach musical instrument, they plant a tree here, and help make a difference.

Great Green Wall

The Great Green Wall involves the planting of tree, grass and herb seeds on the hard soil, where large half moons have been previously dug, enabling the June to September rains to be retained long enough for seed-sprouting and for the trees to develop long drought-resistant roots. Village by village, local communities are engaged in collecting seeds and caring for the trees, transforming the bare land into fertile, biologically diverse and productive forests, bringing livelihood to the region, empowering women who can then afford to send children to school.

Sustainable Practices

Growing local awareness for sustainable practices, working with the local farmers and transhumant herders; both men and women from adjoining villages are trained in sustainable agro-forestry practices. OZG continuously monitors and measures environmental and socio-economic impact. A number of relevant indicators are monitored and tell how well the forest and the local communities are doing. Seven to ten years later, we will be able to speak about real forests. Trees (mostly a set of Acacias species) reaching up to 8 meters in height. Roots diving as deep as 20 meters into the ground. Their capillary force rising the water table, this way drilling isn’t required as deep to get drinking water.

How it works?

Now, every time someone buys one of our instruments, we make a donation to WeForest which in turn covers the cost of planting a tree within the Great Green Wall. Together, lets make earth cooler!

For more info check out:

making earth cooler